Ein Analysis
This section is dedicated to listing the hints of Ein's intellect (or in the very least, how uncanny he is) shown throughout the series. Items are divided by episode.
02: Stray Dog Strut
- Ein plans an acrobatic trick to end a fight between Spike and the criminal of the week. Ein tricks the others into jumping off a bridge and onto a boat. Then at the perfect time, he jumps off, pushing Spike into the river, and leaving the bad guy behind.
- Ein bites Spike as Spike is insulting him, demonstrating his comprehension of human expression and language.
- Ein drives a car. Seriously. Ein pounces on the outlaw's steering wheel and presses buttons to make the car swerve irratically. Then, Ein presses the controls to open the car doors, jumping out and escaping his kidnapper.
06: Sympathy for..
- Ein recognizes that the Zebra is still conscious and can be hooked up to a computer to view his previous memories. He barks, and Faye walks by and recognizes this.
11: Toys inthe Attic
- Ein is the first to sense the presence of something bad on the ship. He awakens quickly, alert and looking around the ship, as footage of the blob is shown crawling thorugh the vent system.
- He knows that the source of the problem is in the storage fridge. He barks ferociously at it, after Jet first gets attacked.
- Ein attempts to warn the crew as they're diagnosing Jet's poison. The crew ignores his barking and just tells him to knock it off.
17: MushroomSamba
- Ein quickly recovers from eating magic mushrooms. He hops around for a bit while he's high, but return to normal soon after. In comparision, Spike, Jet, and Faye ate the same shrooms, and hallucinated for the entire episode.
- Ein speaks to other animals. A cow helps Ed and Ein capture the outlaw they were after. Ein says, "Thanks," to which the cow moos back, "Oh, no problem."
18: SpeakLikeaChild
- Ein answers the phone when Faye calls. Awesome.
23: Brain Scratch
- Ein is first to realize that the cult's website is about to attack Jet's mind. He barks viciously at the computer screen minutes before it happens.
- He saves Jet by biting him, realized that the pain will snap Jet out of his neural shock. Quick thinking.
- Ein hacks into the cult's network easily once a computer headset is put on him. Even Ed was not able to break into this system. Ein even discovered vital information, such as the location of the enemy.